Announcement on NewChain TestNet resetting. The current NewChain testnet has been in operation since March 11, 2021.

09 Oct 2022, 10:14
Announcement on NewChain TestNet resetting👍 The current NewChain testnet has been in operation since March 11, 2021. For better stability and developing efficiency, after discussing the accounting node of the testnet, the operator of the accounting node of the testnet will reset the NewChain testnet, and the existing testnet data, NewPay wallet data, transaction records, etc. will be cleared, and then the testnet will be redeployed. What do the current testnet machine nodes need to do: 1. After 18:00 on October 9, 2022, UTC+8, run the command to clear the node data. 2. Run the command to deploy the new machine node and become the ledger node. 3. Submit the applying issue becoming miner node on . 4. After applying success, its mining address will receive an airdrop of 100 million testnet NEW. 5. After the deployment of the new testnet, the operator of the testnet accounting node needs to create a community node in the testnet NewPay and lock up at least 10 million testnet NEW. 6. The testnet machine node operator needs to review the application for joining the testnet ledger node from time to time. 7. The testnet NEW required by the community will be provided by the community machine nodes. What ordinary users need to do: 1. Delete the existing testnet NewPay or NewMask wallet. 2. Import mnemonics or create a new wallet after 18:00 on October 9, 2022, UTC+8. 3. Obtain the TestNet NEW from the NewChain Testnet machine nodes. Newton October 9, 2022